Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Bash script for gdal

This is just a quick post on bash scripting gdal. This isn't very fancy and you can do more, much more but lets start with something (reasonably) basic.

I have recently been working in ArcGIS (it's sad but true) and the result of this work in a catalogue of ESRI raster files. These aren't simple GeoTiffs, that would make life too easy. These are those messy folders of adf suffixed files. Furthermore the files could only be created with a rectangular extent and I need the clipped, i.e. filled with "NoData" outside of my study area.

An ESRI raster file in all its glory
Above is the sort of thing ArcGIS thinks is good practice. OK, so the collection of files that is one single raster is stored in its own folder and in this case that is stored in another folder of the same name. So I want to loop through the list of folders on the left, in each folder go to the sub-folder and do some gdal stuff on the hdr.adf file.

# Start for loop by setting g equal to each value in the list returned by the "ls" command
for g in $(ls -d */)
  # ls returns the folder names with a forward slash which we must remove
  f=$(echo ${g} | sed 's/\///')
  # Talk to user
  echo "Processing $f file..."
  # Here is the gdal bit
  gdalwarp -dstnodata -9999 -te 647821.820 7535500.320 651626.820 7537760.320 -tr 10 10 -q -cutline ../../Whole.shp -crop_to_cutline -of GTiff ${f}/${f}/${f}hdr.adf ${f}/${f}.tif

Here I get a list of all the folders using ls -d /* and pass the results to a loop. I then remove the forward slash appended to each folder name by ls using sed and pass that to gdal.
gdalwarp then does the rest of the work: set no data value to -9999, set bounding box coordinates, set pixel size, use cutline from a shape file (this wouldn't honour the bounding box and pixel size on its own), specify GeoTiff as output format and finally specify input and output file names.
The result:

The new GeoTiff file

Simple. Now for the 50+ other files.

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