The following code is something I use personally and may not be suited to everyones needs but it should be easy to adapt it.
def rasterImport(file):
'''Import a raster file and return grid plus meta data. Returns three objects: data, meta, metadata '''
# Tell the user that the function is working
print '\nImporting ',file
# Register all of the GDAL drivers
# Open the file
raster = gdal.Open(file)
if raster is None:
print 'Could not open ',file,'\n'
# Get coordinate system and affine transformation parameters
projec = raster.GetProjection()
srs = osr.SpatialReference(wkt=projec)
transf = raster.GetGeoTransform()
# Get meta data
# Get short name and then long name of driver
driveshrt = raster.GetDriver().ShortName
driver = gdal.GetDriverByName(driveshrt)
metadata = driver.GetMetadata()
metakeys = metadata.keys()
# Read the file band to a 'matrix' called band
band = raster.GetRasterBand(1)
# Access data in rastern band as array
data = band.ReadAsArray(0,0,cols,rows)
# gdal_grid creates "upside down" files, hence this
if Yres/np.fabs(Yres)==-1:
data = np.flipud(data)
# gdal_grid creates "upside down" files, hence this
if Yres/np.fabs(Yres)==-1:
data = np.flipud(data)
# From here you can 'return' the data to the main routine
# and skip the rest of this.
# Get the upper left coordinates and the pixel resolution
ul_x = transf[0]
ul_y = transf[3]
xres = transf[1]
yres = transf[5]
# Get image size
rows = raster.RasterYSize
cols = raster.RasterXSize
dims = {'xres':xres,'yres':yres,'rows':rows,'cols':cols}
# Calculate all corners
ll_x = ul_x
ll_y = ul_y + (rows * yres)
ur_x = ul_x + (cols * xres)
ur_y = ul_y
lr_x = ur_x
lr_y = ll_y
# Make dictionary of corners
corners = {'ll':(ll_x,ll_y),'ul':(ul_x,ul_y),'ur':(ur_x,ur_y),'lr':(lr_x,lr_y)}
# Get nodata value
nandat = band.GetNoDataValue()
# Get minimum and maximum value
mindat = band.GetMinimum()
maxdat = band.GetMaximum()
# If the stats aren't available yet calculate the min-max
if mindat is None or maxdat is None:
(mindat,maxdat) = band.ComputeRasterMinMax(1)
dats = [nandat,mindat,maxdat]
# This next bit sums the values for a volume calculation
sumvals = data[np.where(np.logical_not(data == nandat))]
sumval = sumvals.sum()
numvals = len(sumvals)
avval = sumval/numvals
volvals = sumval*(math.fabs((transf[1]*transf[5])))
# Organise the metadata for export
meta = {'transform':transf,'corners':corners,'dimension':dims,'dats':dats,'sumval':sumval,'numvals':numvals,'avval':avval,'volvals':volvals}
# Tell user about the file
if srs.IsProjected:
print 'projcs 1: ',srs.GetAttrValue('projcs')
print 'projcs 2: ',srs.GetAuthorityCode('projcs')
print 'projcs 3: ',srs.GetAuthorityName('projcs')
print 'geogcs 1:: ',srs.GetAttrValue('geogcs')
print 'Sum of pixel values = ',sumval,' in range ',mindat,' to ',maxdat
print 'From ',numvals,' of ',rows,' X ',cols,' = ',rows*cols,' pixels, or ',((1.0*numvals)/(rows*cols))*100,'%'
print 'Average then is ',avval
print 'Pixels size, x:',transf[1],' y:',transf[5]
print '"Volume" is then the sum * 1 pixel area: ',volvals
# Return the data matrix plus metadata to main routine
return data, meta, metadata
That's it. Not the greatest, most efficient code but it does what I want.
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