- Firstly, create a delaunay polygon shape file in QGIS from point data. This represents the area of the glacier where values can be interpolated (with some editing).
- From this and a mask of the entire glacier (a raster with 1 = glacier, nan = not a glacier) I can use gdalwarp to create a masked mask, i.e. mask the glacier to show only those parts covered by interpolation.
- gdalwarp refuses to respect the size of the original raster when clipping, so that has to be fixed running gdalwarp again and forcing the new raster to the right size
- Now, to get the reverse mask, the bits not covered by interpolation. Well, there I hit a bit of a problem. gdal_calc.py won't do it, at least no matter what I tried.
- So write a script.
The function below uses a couple of other functions already encountered here on this blog, the DemImport function and namer, although you can easily get rid of namer. The code is messy and probably not efficient but I'm bolting together this stuff on the fly, as needs arise. But then, it's free.
def maskPosNeg(vector,Afile,name,outfolder):
'''Create a mask raster from a vector over a raster then invert masked area to create mask of remaining area
Created for masks of interpolated and extrapolated ares of glacier
To use: maskPosNeg(vector,Afile,name,outfolder) '''
# Get background raster (glacier dem) and calculate dimensions etc.
Adata,AXg,AYg,AXg1,AYg1,Arx,Ary,Ademmeta = DemImport(Afile)
transf = Ademmeta[2]
ul_x = transf[0]
ul_y = transf[3]
xres = transf[1]
yres = transf[5]
# get image size
demrows = Ademmeta[4]
demcols = Ademmeta[5]
# Calculate corners
ll_x = ul_x
ll_y = ul_y + (demrows * yres)
ur_x = ll_x + (demcols * xres)
ur_y = ul_y
# Create names for output data
Aname,Aext,Apath,Anamefull = namer(Afile)
outFile1 = os.path.join(outfolder,(name + '_posMask_Temp.tif'))
outFile2 = os.path.join(outfolder,(name + '_posMask.tif'))
outFile3 = name + '_negMask'
# Start by clipping to vector
gdalMess1 = 'gdalwarp -te ' + str(ll_x) + ' ' + str(ll_y) + ' ' + str(ur_x) + ' ' + str(ur_y) + ' -tr ' +str(xres) + ' ' + str(yres) + ' -dstnodata -9999 -q -cutline ' + vector + ' -crop_to_cutline -of GTiff ' + Afile + ' ' + outFile1
# Then resize to original raster, I kid you not.
gdalMess2 = 'gdalwarp -te ' + str(ll_x) + ' ' + str(ll_y) + ' ' + str(ur_x) + ' ' + str(ur_y) + ' -tr ' +str(xres) + ' ' + str(yres) + ' -dstnodata -9999 ' + outFile1 + ' ' + outFile2
print outFile2,' created'
# Remove temp file
command = 'rm ' + outFile1
Bfile = outFile2
Bdata,BXg,BYg,BXg1,BYg1,Brx,Bry,Bdemmeta = DemImport(Bfile)
print Bfile,' data type: ',type(Bdata)
print 'Rows (A,B): ',Arx,Brx,' Columns (A,B): ',Ary,Bry
print 'xres (A,B): ',Ademmeta[2][1],Bdemmeta[2][1],' yres (A,B): ',Ademmeta[2][5],Bdemmeta[2][5]
print 'No data (A): ',Ademmeta[6],' No data (B): ',Bdemmeta[6]
# Check matching resolution
if Arx != Brx or Ary != Bry:
print Bfile,' resolution mismatch with ', Afile
elif Ademmeta[4] != Bdemmeta[4] or Ademmeta[5] != Bdemmeta[5]:
print 'Size mismatch between ',Bfile,' and ',Afile
# Do the masking and subtracting
AdataMasked = np.ma.masked_array(np.nan_to_num(Adata), mask=np.isnan(Adata))# & np.isnan(Bdata))
BdataMasked = np.ma.masked_array(np.nan_to_num(Bdata), mask=AdataMasked.mask)
outdata = (AdataMasked - BdataMasked).filled(np.nan)
outdata = np.ma.masked_array(np.nan_to_num(outdata), mask=np.isnan(outdata))
filnm = datawrite(outdata,Adata,Ademmeta,outFile3,outfolder)
print 'maskPosNeg done.'
return 0
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